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Exhibition – Kinnersley Castle
EXHIBITION of UPCYCLING & RECYCLINGin the GREAT HALL -KINNERSLEY CASTLE October 13th -October 21st Includes textiles - darning techniques - glassware. Things to buy, ideas to inspire, gifts to acquire. 10:30 am -4:30pm Free entry - Refreshments available Phone to check for special castle tours on the day 07867337613
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The Big Draw
BIG DRAW DIARY OF EVENTS all FREE all in KINGTON Sat 7th October 10.30am-1pm - Made in the Marches Gallery 'Can the Ear get a look in?’ with James Burnett-Stuart Discovering ways to draw all kinds of sounds—suitable for all ages with a beginner's mind. Sat 7th October 2-4pm - Oxford Arms Yard Creative Cafe 'Nooks and Continue Reading
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Music in New Radnor
Borders Ensemble 14/10/239 Quartet Draig 11/11/23 The Mellstock Band 9/12/23 Kassia Trio 10/2/24 Students from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama 9/3/24 James Lisney 13/4/24
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Simon Deeley and Steve Hollingshurst Present a Musical Evening at St Andrew's Church Presteigne Tickets on the door or from 01544267777
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